mr. EEs!

show tonight.. i mean in the past. like the tonight which happened earlier tonight, like 9pm. 8pm, even. Cex Fucx got an earlyish start.. I saw about fifteen minutes of them at Valentine's the other night.. I was trying to migrate rapidly between there and the show I was playing at the Someday Lounge. Which was fantastic, by the way.. collapsing opposites were totally nice and totally awesome. The Doers were totally nice and.. purportedly also totally awesome.. I happened to miss their entire set as a part of my attempt to catch a glimpse of cex fucx at Valentine's. They are really not very far apart. It seemed like such a good idea! It was, too. Jesus. But luckily the doers and collapsing opposites will be back in town on the 8th.
Anyhow.. Cex Fucx blew me away anew tonight, and in a totally different way.. so much more space and intricacy.. granted, I only saw such a tiny segment of their set the other night. Red76 was celebrating the release of their new "Learning is Fun and Dangerous" alternative education journal. I was excited to get to play at the event.
It's been an eventful couple of months. much neglected via mentions.
have moved twice since my return to Portland. These are good moves, though. I am being fortunate as hell. Good friends and good situations.
Played a really fun show up in Seattle with Lesley Gore and Ghost family at The Office of Dr. Glorious.. have another one coming up on the 17th thereabouts.. check the sidebar.. when details solidify, there will be news of such thencely.
Will be Collaborating with Dana Dart McLean at her upcoming gallery show in Ashland. Expect some nice cardboard projectilish's. Hey we recorded a really nice song (*) together the other morning, too.
Oh Oh OH.. and congratulations to Sam76 on his Big News! It is very nice and joyful Big News.
Have been getting down to some new recording.
The best Dragging a Cex through Fucx jam-out after my set tonight. Will post mp3 if it exists.